
Hey lovely soul...
... before you read all about my personal angelic sign, I just wanted to invite you to a free remote 1-question angel card reading.
All my clients receive a free reading from me. It's the perfect way to experience your first angel card reading from me or, indeed, your first ever angel card reading. And it makes the ideal first step on your journey of angelic guidance, to a life that is fulfilled.
If you're curious and haven't yet received an angel card reading from me... click here
Do you have a personal sign or symbol that, when you see it, you see it as confirmation that your angels are looking out for you and reassuring you that they're there?
I do.
But it didn't come easy.
I just couldn't decide what symbol/sign I wanted to pick that would be really personal for me. It almost had me in a right tizzy trying to come up with one... the perfect one. (I know, I know... you don't have to say how stupid that sounds!)
So I started to look to others and see what they had chosen. Butterflies, Dragonflies and such seemed really popular. And, whilst I temporarily chose butterflies, it just didn't feel perfect for me.
And then it was as if my eyes finally opened to what had been staring me in the face all along. The biggest love of my life (apart from hubby, of course) - bunnies! I adore those little cottontails. I adore their cuteness and the way you can spot little flashes of colour from their tail when they're darting away. I love their little noses and how they squash in their faces when they're cleaning themselves. And, of course, my husband and I are guardians to two absolutely adorable adopted bunnies of our own, Forrest & Bobo.
So that was it. Bunnies were going to be my sign. Only challenge was... it wasn't Easter and, as my husband reliably informed me: "You'll never see bunnies at this time of year"
Deep down I didn't want him to be right but the sensible side of me was already thinking "I should have chosen bunnies around Easter-time!"
But I stuck to my guns and left it open to the Universe to see what bunnies might come my way.
My husband and I enjoy being out in nature and we try, every weekend, to go for a hike together. Being someone who works from home, this would be my best chance to see my bunny signs. So I decided that it would be on weekends that bunnies would come our way. And I was so excited. My symbol was bunnies, my all-time favourite animal. To think that I would come across a wild bunny (or bunnies!) ever weekend during our hike got me so excited I was beside myself.
The only thing was... we had never yet seen a wild bunny on our hikes...
But, still, I stayed optimistic and when we were out even my husband enjoyed our little game of "find today's bunny"
As you can imagine, the Universe and angels can be very inventive (and has a fabulous sense of humour) and during our hikes we saw enclosures with pet bunnies (one of which was in the most unlikely of places - by a hiking hut on the edge of a cliff!) but not very often - I think only twice. What other bunnies we did spot came in all different forms from a shrub cut into the shape of a bunny, to a sign above a farm with a bunny painted on it, to a garden ornament bunny.
Not once did we come home without seeing a bunny in some form.
There was, however, one time when I doubted my bunny symbol and told my husband that I didn't think it should count. If you want to read that story (it's quite funny) then pop on over to this post.
Every time I see my bunny symbol it feels so reassuring to know that the Universe and my angels are there supporting me no matter where I am and that they are guiding me every day along my life path. Such a simple thing can give such amazing strength to keep walking your path.
With love and angel sparkles, Viv xx
ps below are just a few of the many bunny signs we've seen on our hikes