card cafÉ (for card-reading students)

You'll always hear me utter three magic words: "practice, practice, practice". Whilst it's important to learn the theory and basics behind any divination tool, you can never and will never intuitively connect with it unless you regularly practice. And sometimes it's challenging to find people to practice on, not because you're hiding away in a cave, because you may not be surrounded by people open to receive readings and you may not always wish to give free readings, especially if you would like this is become part of your business.

I want you to shine your light as brightly as possible, so I am making available a safe place where you and fellow students can come together to practice your card readings and to support each other.

The date of the next card café is Monday November 11th at 6pm (CET)* If you wish to join, please click the button below to sign up and pay.

* If you're unsure what your time is in CEST, this world time converter may help you.

how can the card café benefit you?

The obvious first answer is that the more you practice, the better you'll become at reading cards.

As you'll already know from my courses, the best card readers are those who intuitively connect with their cards. The only way you can strengthen your intuition and your intuitive connection with your cards is to work with them and read using them as much as possible.

When you join the card café, you'll have the opportunity to do just that.

You'll also surround yourself with like-minded souls who are going through the same or similar card reading challenges as you.

There's nothing more soul-destroying than thinking you're the only one experiencing some form of challenge when reading your cards, whether that's struggling to quiet your mind and conect to your intuition, whether that's struggling to determine your meaning for a colour or symbol that catches your eye, whether that's struggling to link the messages together from different cards in a spread, whatever your challenge...

It's so much easier and comforting to be surrounded by souls who also have struggles with whom you can break through those struggles together and grow.

And you'll become part of a community.

Not all of us are surrounded by family and friends who are all open to receive guidance through divination tools. Indeed, there will be only a handful of people who are surrounded, in their close circle of family and friends, by people who support and encourage their growth and learning in relation to oracle card reading.

In the most part, as oracle card readers, we have to forge our path alone.

What if you didn't have to do that? What if you could become part of a community of people who understand you, who will support you, and who will cheer your forward as you grow and strengthen your abilities. Can you imagine how much easier it would be to walk your path knowing you're not alone?

The date of the next card café is Monday November 11th at 6pm (CET)* If you wish to join, please click the button below to sign up and pay.

* If you're unsure what your time is in CEST, this world time converter may help you.

what happens at the card café?

the when, what, why

We'll come together for an hour via Zoom. Each card café will be open to only a small number of students (5-6 students)*.

You join to practice, you join to give feedback, you join to receive guidance. If the group is too large, not only will it be challenging for everyone to participate, it will become intimidating. A small group is warmer and more intimate, which means you'll feel less nervous and will be more open to take part. Whilst you would benefit from 'being in the room', wacting and witnessing, you'll benefit so much more by taking part.

Also, when the group is small, it's easier to get to know each other and feel comfortable with each other.

* Please note: when demand exceeds 5 for each card café, a new additional café date/time will be made available that same month. If demand is too low (less than 5 students), the café shall be cancelled.

investment and commitment in you

The investment per student per card café session will be £10.

The more card cafés you attend, the more you shall blossom and flourish in your card reading abilities. However, you are not obliged to attend each and every card café session. In saying that, once you commit to joining, should you fail to attend or be unable to attend, payment will not be refunded.

Payment shall only be refunded should not enough attendees choose to join a card café and the session is cancelled.

The date of the next card café is Monday November 11th at 6pm (CET)* If you wish to join, please click the button below to sign up and pay.

* If you're unsure what your time is in CEST, this world time converter may help you.