library of oracle card readings

Hello lovely soul!

On this page you shall find a growing library of guidance received from the angels, your spirit team and all positive energetic beings who wish to support and guide you through oracle card readings. Each reading is based on a specific question.

Look through the questions asked and whichever resonates with you, whichever is reflective of your current stage in life, click the button to preview and download that reading.

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what do I need to know to better care for myself as an HSP or empath?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for anyone who is highly sensitive or empathetic and struggles to accept or work with this gift.

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what do I need to know to show better compassion to myself?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for anyone who can be particularly tough and harsh on themselves, more so than on others.

how do I better let go of things that are not serving me?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for anyone who is struggling to let go of things in their life which are now past their 'sell-by date' and may be more of a hindrance.

What do I need to know about what is stopping me from moving forward?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for anyone who is feeling stuck yet does not know or cannot see what it is that may be holding them back.

browse even more card readings...

how do i move forward in life?

This 1-card in-depth reading is the perfect reading for when you're feeling stuck or lost.

how do I attract more abundance into my life?

This 1-card in-depth reading is perfect if you feel you may be blocking abundance flowing.

how can I begin to remove limiting beliefs & thoughts?

This 1-card in-depth reading is perfect if you feel limiting beliefs have been holding you back.

how do i find inner peace in an world of turmoil?

This 1-card in-depth reading is the perfect reading for when you feel lost, helpless and confused living in a world that constantly feels to be in turmoil.

how do I reduce my people pleasing tendencies?

This 1-card in-depth reading is the perfect reading for when you know you're struggling to say 'no' to people's requests or place the needs of others before yourself.

how can I better cultivate a positive outlook?

This 1-card in-depth reading is the perfect reading for when you feel yourself being pulled under or weighed down by negativity, yours or others.

what can I do to create better flow in my life?

This 1-card in-depth reading is the perfect reading for when you feel life is a bit stuck, stagnant or isn't flowing as smoothly as it could or should.

how do I release what no longer serves me?

This 1-card in-depth reading is the perfect reading for when you know you've been hanging onto people or things that no longer serve you.

how do i heal myself from an emotional setback?

This 1-card in-depth reading is the perfect reading for when you've recently been emotionally hurt by someone or something and are looking to heal from it.

how do i better improve my sense of self-worth?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for when you're looking to improve your life and all you attract into it by increasing your appreciation of your worthiness and sense of deserving.

how do I consistently achieve my goals?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for when you may be struggling to achieve consistent results or are looking for guidance on how you can ensure you always achieve your goals.

how do I create calm when feeling overwhelmed?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for when you may be struggling to keep calm amidst overwhelm or when you find yourself getting too caught up in the overwhelm.

how do i deal with people who rub me up the wrong way?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for when you may be struggling not to react negatively when someone pushes your buttons.

What do I need to know with regards building a support network?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for whatever you're experiencing in life where you would benefit from support, in whatever form that may be.

seeking advice and guidance on how to improve my patience

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for when your patience may be wearing a little thin, you're feeling impatient, or you're struggling to control your patience.

what do I need to know to better trust my intuition?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for anyone seeking to strengthen their intuition or someone who has been working on their intuition and has hit a road block.

how do i better deal with challenging situations?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading if you struggle to find the best (or any) solutions or if you panic and don't make the best decisions when faced with a challenge.

how do I better align with divine timing?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading if you struggle with the concept of Divine timing or to patiently accept that Divine timing may be different to your timing.

what do I need to know to better establish boundaries?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading if you struggle to set boundaries or struggle with others disrespecting your boundaries.

what do I need to know to better stand up for myself?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading if you feel people walk over you, abuse your kindness, or disregard on your personal boundaries.

how do I bring positive energy into relationships?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading if you aren't feeling as happy and content in your relationships as you know you should or could.

advice and guidance on how to better cope with negative emotions

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for when you're experiencing a negative emotion, whether it be small and manageable or heavy and consuming.

how can i be more compassionate towards my fellow humans?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading when you find yourself judging someone, their character or behaviour, without knowing the full picture.

seeking advice and guidance on tuning into my inner wisdom

This 1-card in-depth card reading is perfect for when you've realised the best insights come from within, however you're not sure how to tap into that inner wisdom and guidance.

How do I stay motivated when I’m feeling discouraged?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for when you're doing or experiencing something you aren't enjoying but know you need to see it through.

how do I know when it’s better to take a step backwards?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for when you've come so far but are unsure whether you should forge ahead or take a step backwards.

what do I need to know to help me get out of this rut and back into flow?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for whenever you're feeling stuck, in a project, in a relationship, or just in life in general, and are struggling to get your mojo back.

advice and guidance on how to reduce number of negative manifestations

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for when you seek to reduce the number of negative manifestations you create in your life.

what do I need to know to help me loosen my control enthusiast tendencies?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for when you know you have a tendency towards being a control enthusiast and are looking to reduce those tendencies.

advice and guidance on how to channel my inner child

This 1-card in-depth reading is the perfect reading for when you've been too caught up in adulting and forgotten to have some childlike, innocent fun.

advice and guidance on how to embrace my uniqueness

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for anyone who, although they know they're special, struggles with the idea of standing out.

what do I need to know to move away from negativity and negative energy?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for anyone who has experienced the weight of negativity and negative energy, and chooses to dispel it.

what do I need to know to give priority to my personal needs and wants?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for anyone who finds they constantly place their own needs and wants below those of everyone else.

advice and guidance on seeing and embracing the best in my own life

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for anyone who finds themselves caught out thinking that, unlike them, other people's lives are perfect.

seeking advice and guidance about learning how to say "no"

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for anyone who finds themselves giving in all the time and saying 'Yes' when they know they really should say 'No'.

seeking advice and guidance on living in the present moment

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for anyone who finds themselves mulling over the past and what has gone, or focused on the future and what is to come.

seeking advice & guidance in relation to moving on from rejection

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for anyone who has recently been rejected, whatever form that rejection took - romantic love, friendship, job... and so on.

advice and guidance on how can I attract more love into my life?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for anyone who believes they would feel more fulfilled by attracting more love, be it romantic, platonic, familial, or self-love.

what do I need to know to release my limiting beliefs around money?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for anyone who struggles to attract money, hold onto savings, who pushes money away, or feels uncomfortable around money.

advice & guidance on repairing my relationship with money

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for anyone who feels money is never there when they need it, that money constantly lets them down, that they can't rely on money.

what do I need to know to reduce the negative thoughts in my mind?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for anyone who wishes to quieten the negativity within their mind to improve their mental health and overall mental well-being.

what do I need to know to eradicate negative addictions?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for anyone who is struggling with a negative addiction or a healthy habit that has, in some way, turned into a negative addiction.

what do I need to know to embrace greater mindfulness in my life?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for anyone who is looking to live more in the present moment with greater awareness of life around them.

Advice and guidance on how to release and remove blocks in my chakras

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for anyone who feels energetically blocked and is choosing to clear those blocks so life can flow smoothly.

What do I need to know to better understand and care for my chakra system?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for anyone who would benefit from guidance on how to better take care of their chakra energy system.

what do I need to learn when it comes to forgiving myself?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for anyone who is struggling to forgive themselves or forgets about the importance of forgiving themselves.

advice and guidance on forgiving those who have hurt me

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for anyone who is struggling to let go of heavy feelings of hurt or betrayal after being hurt by another.

what do I need to know so I can become less judgmental?

This 1-card in-depth card reading is the perfect reading for anyone who is seeking to better control their initial reactions and thoughts which lead them to judge too quickly.