oracle card reading ~ stepping out of your comfort zone
Hello lovely soul!
What advice and guidance do the angels and all positive energies who wish to support and guide us, have for you to help you step out of your comfort zone?
You'll only find out when you download the reading.
This 1-card in-depth card reading focuses on the question "what do I need to know to encourage me to step out of my comfort zone regularly?", and is the perfect reading for anyone who's seeking to grow, personally, yet is feeling stuck and trapped, or is looking for guidance on how to embrace change and expand their boundaries with confidence.
Stepping out of our comfort zone is challenging and frightening for most of us because doing so requires us to confront uncertainty, overcome our fear of failure, and break away from our routine and habits; all of which can trigger feelings of vulnerability, anxiety, and resistance to change.
Stepping out of your comfort zone, however, is important because it's a key driver of personal growth and development. When you don't grow personally, it impacts many areas of your life on many levels forcing you to face challenges and limitations such as stagnation and boredom, declining self-confidence, lack of purpose, a lower quality of life, regrets later in life... and much more.
Is that what you want for your life? I didn't think so... So let's see what guidance we can glean from the cards to encourage and support you in stepping out of your comfort zone on a regular basis.
The message shared with us by the angels and our spirit team through this card reading is given through the Find Your Light Inspiration Deck by Sara Burrier.
The video duration lasts 29 minutes.
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