oracle card reading ~ repair relationship with money

Hello lovely soul!

What advice and guidance do the angels and all positive energies who wish to support and guide us, have for you to help you repair your relationship with money money?

You'll only find out when you download the reading.

This 1-card in-depth card reading focuses on: seeking advice & guidance on repairing my relationship with money, and is the perfect reading for anyone who feels money is never there for them when they need it, that money constantly lets them down, that they can't rely on money.

You may think it strange to think of yourself in a relationship with money. However, when you do so, your whole perception changes. No longer do you see money as just a thing you have no control over, rather money takes on the energy of a person, which makes it more relatable. If you spoke or thought about your best friend the way you do about money, do you think they'd still be part of your life? Let's see how you can repair your relationship with this energy that plays a major role in your life.

The message shared with us by the angels and our spirit team through this card reading is given through the Oracle of Light and Dreams deck by Scot Howden .

The video duration lasts 33 minutes.

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