Bunny Initiative

Sometimes lightbulb moments come instantly, sometimes they take a little more time to develop... but when they do, your eyes light up and your heart sings coz you know that you're hitting on something truly special.

And that's exactly what happened to me with the Simply Skin Bunny Initiative. I had this deep down desire to make a real positive impact in this world with my products.

And whilst my products help so many woman achieve healthy, nourished skin, I wanted my brand to do more... much, much more.

I want it to be a beacon of positivity and giving back. I want to be an example of how all businesses, large and small, should contribute to this world. I want to make a true difference and, through the Bunny Initiative, I am.

But don't get me wrong. I can and shall never reach the giddy heights I want to reach without your help. Because we're in this together. Without your help and support Simply Skin will just be another skincare brand. But with your help and support we can truly create a positive impact in this world and that, Beautiful, is truly exciting.

To understand just the kind of impact we are currently making together, watch my video below. This is what we're currently achieving together. Doesn't it feel good? But wouldn't you want to feel amazing? You can... with your support we can take our current actions and escalate them to a scale that is beyond exciting... but only with your help and support. Are you in?