
Hey lovely soul...
... before I tell you about how one angel card reading was linked closely to dandelions, I just wanted to invite you to a free remote 1-question angel card reading.
All my clients receive a free reading from me. It's the perfect way to experience your first angel card reading from me or, indeed, your first ever angel card reading. And it makes the ideal first step on your journey of angelic guidance, to a life that is fulfilled.
If you're curious and haven't yet received an angel card reading from me... click here
I have a morning spirital routine which I follow 'religiously', I guess you could say. I enjoy it so much that I really look forward to getting out of bed each day.
Part of my routine includes EFT ('emotional freedom technique' or simply called 'tapping') and meditating.
This morning while I was meditating I suddenly got the image in my head of a summer top I have - white with blue dandelion seeds blowing over it. I hadn't thought of the top for a long while, never mind worn it... bit too cold for that at the moment! But there it was in my mind as if to say "pick me!".
And so I did.
I had a few angel card readings planned in to my day and, when I was going on my first call, I felt that the lady I was speaking to might know or understand the significance of dandelions.
So, deciding to just put my very vocal ego aside, chirping in my ear "you're gonna make a fool of yourself!", and remembering the advice I had read in an animal communication book that, no matter how stupid a 'message' might feel to you or how insignificant it may seem, share it. You have nothing to lose, except, perhaps, feeling a bit stupid and embarrassed for a few minutes. And what may seem like a very small detail may mean the world to someone else.
So before even beginning the angel card reading I asked the lady if dandelions had any special meaning to her.
And her answer was... "no".
Hmmm... at least I gave it a go.
We continued our call and then I went on to my other planned calls for the day, not mentioning dandelions to anyone else. Not because I felt embarrassed (strangely I didn't) but because it didn't feel that the message was meant for anyone else.
A couple of hours later, I received an unexpected note from the lady I had given the angel card reading to, in the morning. The note went something like this:
"Dandelions... A bunch of them flew across me at dinner tonight... Haven't seen anything like it before or any while we have been away!"
I took the dandelions as a angelic sign for both her and me that the messages I had passed on to her from the angels were what the angels had wanted her to hear. It was such a beautiful confirmation and one that I'll always remember.
Signs can come to us in all shapes and forms, and always when we least expect them. I love signs as they feel like gentle nudges from my supportive angelic team that I'm on the right path and headed in the right direction.
With love and angel sparkles, Viv xx