12 days of december

welcome to day 11...

.. of the 12 days of December.

Today's invitation is:

a personalised subliminal + subliminal creative visualisation/meditation

the details

This offer results in one subliminal recording and one accompanying and supporting subliminal meditation/visualisation recording.

In order to create the best possible personalised recordings for you, I need you to focus on one area or one challenge in your life and 'brain dump' on me - tell me everything and anything about that area/challenge. We shall do this through a live, interactive video chat using Zoom. This chat shall last up to 30 minutes. Based on that conversation and all the information you share with me, I shall prepare both recordings for you, recordings which shall be unique for you and unique to that area of your life or challenge.

When you receive the recordings, I encourage you to listen to the subliminal recording every day (there are a variety of ways you can do this) and to the subliminal meditation/visualisation approximately twice a week. There is no set end-date. Again, because you are unique, you may find the changes happen over a few months, or may take longer and take place in small incremental steps. During this process, I encourage you to keep a diary recording your progress in incremental periods as daily progress can be difficult to track and to recognise.

It's important thing to remember that the changes will not happen if you are not committed and do not listen to the recordings, nor will the changes happen overnight.

IMPORTANT: This is an unlimited offer. From now until December 24th, you can fill your festive boots, and purchase as many of these subliminal + subliminal meditation/visualisation recordings as you wish. Our call(s) upon which the recordings shall be created shall begin in January 2025.

1 x interactive video call + 1 x personalised subliminal + 1 x subliminal creative visualisation/meditation

1 x payment of £65.00 per package (unlimited)

If you're interested, please complete the form below so I know which email address to use when contacting you to arrange our video chat and to send your recordings.

Payment to be paid immediately on the following page.

12 days of december: day 11
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