thank you
Thank you, lovely soul, for sharing your experience and feedback with me about our FB Group.
I choose to embrace life and its many and varied experiences as a means to grow and become a better person and your feedback will have helped me do so.
As a thank you for your time and honesty, I would like to offer you a free guided meditation which you can download by clicking the button below.
This meditation has been created to release you from any weights or burdens you may be carrying for others, something that, I feel, is really apt in the current climate. When you're a caring human being, when you're a sensitive soul or an empath, there is a tendency to carry the negative emotions, feelings, fears, beliefs of those around you; weights and burdens that are not your own. If we do not release these weights and burdens, if we do not tend to our own energy and vibration, these weights and burdens can pull us under and hold us back.
In this guided meditation, with the help of the Archangels of healing, Raphael, and love, Chamuel, we return to our true self, our true essence, free from the weights and burdens we have taken on from those around us, from the collective. By passing our burdens onto the angels so we can be released, freed, and feel lighter in ourselves.
With love and angel sparkles, Viv xx