Your biggest challenge is...

fear of visibility

"It's hard being visible, so I've made myself invisible" ~ Danielle Steele

The fear of visibility is often deemed to be the fear of showing yourself, truly and authentically, to the world, and of taking responsibility for your beliefs and desires. It can show up as a fear of success, fear of being vulnerable, fear of making a stand or making your voice heard, fear of not being accepted, fear of disppointing those we love and/or respect, and a fear of being ridiculed or criticised.

However it shows up in your life, the fear of visibility is keeping you safe and, more importantly, keeping you small. When you keep playing smaller than you could be, you prevent yourself from living and achieving your dream life. 

Through a fear of visibility, you're failing to shine your inner light as brightly as possible, you're failing to bring positive change to your life and those around you, you're failing to make a difference, and you're failing to walk your soul path.

After entering your email address, below (so I know where to send your recorded reading), and clicking the button of your preference, on the subsequent page, you shall receive your own, personalised, video-recorded 2-card angel reading in relation to your fear of visibility within 2 working days. Your video shall be sent to you via the platform WeTransfer.

Your remote 2-card angel reading attracts an investment of £22.22.

Don't worry about putting your vulnerability out there, take your first step towards your dream life and request your personalised reading now.

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"The first step to living the life you want, is leaving the life your don't want. Taking that first step forwards is always the hardest. But then each step forward gets easier and easier. And each step forward gets you closer and closer. Until everntually, what had once been invisible, starts to be visible. And what have once felt impossible, starts to feel possible." ~ Karen Salmansohn