top 4 tips for keeping pores healthy

Your skin is
covered with little openings, known as pores, which extend down from the outer
epidermis through several layers below the skin. They enable the underlying
sebaceous glands to release oil (also known as sebum).
If too much sebum
is secreted, or if there are too many dead skin cells stuck on the skin, or if
the pores are blocked for some other then the pores can become clogged.
When pores become clogged
your skin is no longer able to breathe thus hindering the natural flow of
oxygen and carbon dioxide, and dirt can get become trapped and no longer be excreted.
When your pores
get clogged you may find that your skin develops blackheads, blemishes and even
acne, no matter what your age. These skin problems are not confined to young
adults and teenagers.
How to Avoid Clogged Pores
There are 4 simple
ways to keep your pores clean so they don’t become clogged and unhealthy.

Tip 1:
Stop Touching Your Face
Think about how
many things your fingers touch during the day. And think about how much
bacteria and dirt your fingers are gathering as a result.
If you constantly
touch your face throughout the day with your fingers, you’ll be transferring the
bacteria and dirt they’ve picked up directly onto your face. And this can start
to clog your pores.

Tip 2: Remove Your Makeup
If you don’t
remove your makeup before you jump into bed at night, you could log your pores.
Removing your makeup allows your pores to breathe and it also keeps them clean and
free to secrete sebum.
The simple act of
removing makeup at night will also ensure that any pollutants that have gathered
on your skin during the day will also be removed.

Tip 3:
One of the causes
of clogged pores is dead skin cells which have stayed trapped on the skin. The
best way to remove these dead skin cells and allow your skin to breathe is
through gentle exfoliation, once a week.
Remember when
choosing an exfoliating product for your face, choose one that is gentle and
doesn’t feel scrubby as the skin on your face is more delicate than that on
your body. For your body choose a natural exfoliating product that has a salt-
or sugar-base but for your face choose one that uses fruit seeds.

Tip 4:
Don’t Squeeze or Pick!
If you do find a
pimple on your skin do NOT squeeze or pick at it. By doing so you can easily
transfer the bacteria trapped in that pore to other unclogged pore and
exacerbate the problem.
And by squeezing
and picking the pimple you can adding even more bacteria into it from your
fingers and hands.