new beginning
Thank you angels for opening up the doors to change. I am ready!

Change and new beginnings... are you ready to embrace them?
Without change, without moving forward, without opening up to opportunities that are sent your way, you can never step outside your comfort zone. And whilst, for some of us (me included) change can feel scary, without it we cannot expand our comfort zone and grow.
So I say... bring on the new beginning, in whatever area of your life this message may relate.
The first thing I want to focus on in this card is the white angel. I want you to look at this angel and, without thinking, say out loud if the angel is walking towards the blue sky or if the angel is stepping forward into the room. You won't be wrong. Whichever you see is what is right for you. So please don't second guess yourself.
We are going to interpret this card in two ways. The first way is from the point of view of the white angel entering the room (as this happened to be the way I saw it) and further below we'll interpret the card from the point of view of the white angel walking towards the sky.
Whilte Angel Walking INTO the Room
White is the colour representative of Source energy (God, Divinity, The Universe... whichever name you choose to use). So the new beginning that is coming into your life has been blessed by Source (and the angels) and will be for your greatest good. The white angel's wings are outstretched and already present in the room which signifies that the change, the new beginning has already begun.
I love how the angel is stepping. He's not standing at the edge of the doorway, he's stepping through it with conviction. The angels are encouraging you to step forward into your new beginning, take action (masculine energy... the angel feels very masculine to me).
Behind the angel is a beautiful dark blue sky with a few whispy clouds. Dark blue is the colour of strength and clouds represent higher thinking. It feels that you are being reassured that you already have the strength in you (it's behind you) to embark on this change and that any higher thinking or high perspective that was needed to prepare you for this change, you have already accomplished. You are ready to step forward into this new beginning.
The room into which the white angel is stepping, seems quite dark and I can imagine that you cannot see inside it clearly, except for the light that is shining in from the open door. This says to me that you don't yet know everything you need to know about this new beginning, but as you step further into the room and into the space, more and more will be revealed.
There are a lot of browns in the room - the wallpaper, the floor - and brown is the colour of Mother Earth. Perhaps if you take time out to meditate in the suport of Mother Earth, maybe in a forest or simply grounding yourself on the earth, you will receive guidance. But I feel the colour is also a nod to what is natural. This new beginning is something that will feel natural and right. So you are encouraged to step forward and embrace it.
The final symbol in this card that I wish to touch on is the white angel's shadow. The shadow is cast before you as you step through the door towards your new beginning. This reminds me of the phrase "to cast a shadow" which implies that the shadow brings a feeling of sadness, grief, dread, or any strong negative emotion, into the room in which you are entering. Do you sense any of these emotions when you're faced with this new beginning? Don't let them consume you. In the card the shadow is smaller than the white angel which tells me you are more than your negative emotions and feelings. Also as the angel steps futher forward its shadow will become even smaller, so as you step forward into this new beginning any grief or sadness about what you may have left behind will dissipate.
Whilte Angel Walking OUT OF the Room
White is the colour representative of Source energy (God, Divinity, The Universe... whichever name you choose to use). So the new beginning that is coming into your life has been blessed by Source (and the angels) and will be for your greatest good. The angels wings are outstretched, but have not yet passed through the doorway. This implies that, although you are stepping forward, you have not yet fully embarked on your new beginning. However, as the angel's feet are at the very edge of the doorway and it looks like he's about to step off the ledge, I'm being reminded to tell you not to let your outstretched wings hold you back by getting caught in the door. It's great that they are open and you're ready to fly, but ensure they don't get snagged on the way and stop you from taking that final leap forward.
As you stand on the edge of this doorway, behind you lies your shadow and a room that feels dark and unlit. This says to me that the darkness, the difficulties, the shadow that has been cast, are all now behind you. Now's the time to let go of them and step forward into a brighter future. I love how the angel is stepping forward with conviction. It feels like there's no hesitation. He's not just standing at the edge of the doorway, he's stepping through it. The angels are encouraging you to step forward into your new beginning, take action (masculine energy... the angel feels very masculine to me).
Before the angel we see a bright sky of dark blue and whispy clouds. Dark blue is the colour of strength and clouds represent higher thinking. This tells me that as you continue to move forward you'll gain more strength and conviction. As you step into your new beginning you may need to employ some higher thinking in order to leave the darker past behind, but you are ready to fly.
Looking at, and interpreting, the card from this point of view gives me the impression that you're ready to fly. You're about to step off the security of the floor and trust that your wings will carry you forward. "Trust" feels like such an important word here. It takes trust in yourself and your abilities, in the angels and Source energy to take that final step and fly. But as this angel in the card appears to be stepping forward without hesitation, you are being encouraged to trust fully. The angels are with you. Source energy is guiding. So keep your wings open and fly.
Reference: This beautiful card is from Angel Prayers Oracle Deck by Kyle Gray, illustrated by Jason Mccreadie
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