distance oracle card reading

hello, hello lovely soul...

... and welcome to this first option of working with me, the angels and your spirit team.

A distance reading is one where you do not need to be physically present during the reading. If you wish to choose a specific question, then please stay on this page and fill out the form below. If you would like to receive a personalised reading based around this month's special theme, then please head on over to this page.

To receive an oracle card reading based around a specific question, chosen by you, all you need to do is fill out the form below. Your question can cover any area of your life on which you would like guidance and direction.

formulating your open-ended question

To help you formulate your open-ended question, here are some popular examples:


  • What advice do my angel and spirit team have with regards <specific situation>?
  • What should I focus on with regards <specific situation>?
  • What should I be mindful of with regards <specific situation>?


  • What are my strengths?
  • What quality(s) should I develop within myself now?
  • What am I missing or overlooking?

energy exchange

Once you hit the "send" button at the bottom of the form, it shall take you to the payment page.

The payment for a 1-question 3-card distance reading, lasting approximately 15 minutes, is £22.22

After I receive your question and your payment, I shall send your oracle card reading within 2 working days, via the platform WeTransfer, to the email address you provide in the form below.

If you have any questions or concerns, please drop me an email at [email protected] and I'll be glad to help you.

remote reading
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* Some tough love for anyone who expects to receive a FREE reading: When you complete the form and click the button above, you are entering into a contract to pay for this service. Should you consider continuing further yet refuse to make payment, please don't. All you're doing is damaging your own energy and vibration, lovely soul. Like you, I do not work for free. The world does not operate that way. Be kind in life, be respectful to others. With love and angel sparkles. Viv xx