start monday with gratitude

high vibe playlist

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” ~ Albert Einstein, theoretical physicist.

I think we can all agree, Einstein was a pretty smart guy, right? So it comes as no surprise that he was the guy to coin the phrase, "everything is energy". And whilst gratitude is one way (a fabulous way, and I think the best way) to raise your vibrational energy, it's not the only way. Music is also excellent at raising your vibe too.

And that's why we (yey, "we") shall be creating a playlist to stand alongside and support our gratitude practice.

All the high vibe tunes we discover and add shall be shared on each week's page. And the collection shall also be shared on this page too.

Pick a tune that makes you smile, that gets your feet tapping, that makes you want to shake your booty... then turn up the volume amd have fun!

let's get this party started!

I looked, I searched, I hunted... and I kept coming back to this song by Queen.

It truly is the perfect song to kickstart our year together.

week 1

Will you clap along because you feel like happiness is the truth and is for you?

week 2

Let's enjoy this beautiful new day.

week 3

How do you feel today? Are you walking on sunshine?

week 4

Always remember, if things try to pull you down, there's only one other way to go...

week 5

Gratitude changes your perspective and helps you to see clearly

week 6

Gratitude helps you to fall back in love with your life

week 7

Gratitude encourages you to enjoy the wonder of nature all around you

week 8

When you get knocked down, gratitude will help you get up again

week 9

Time to shake off those low vibes and welcome in the high ones

week 10

Do you wear gratitude like a pair of new shoes?

week 11

Party and celebrate to raise your vibe

week 12

A reminder that when you have gratitude, you have it all

week 13

Making graittude part of your schedule and setting an alarm for it, can encourage you to stop and focus

week 14

A reminder to say "thank you" to everything and everyone in our life, past and present, who has made our life better

week 15

It feels good to feel good, doesn't it?

week 16

A reminder to always, no matter what, look on the bright side of life

week 17

Remember, what you already have is all that you want

week 18

Focus on the eyes, look for gratitude in everything

week 19

Are you a believer yet? Do you believe in the power of gratitude?

week 20

The sun rises and sets everyday. How grateful are you for the consistencies in life?

week 21

How thankful are you for the small blessings in your life?

week 22

What is it that you want, that you really, really want?

week 23

It feels good when you think about and consider others, right?

week 24

How grateful are you for everyone in your life?

week 25

Enjoy the high tide of gratitude.

week 26

Remember to consider every minute as part of happy hour

week 27

Enjoy the feeling that comes with expressing gratitude

week 28

Times have never been so good since you've been expressing gratitude, right?

week 29

Practice gratitude, bring on the groove

week 30

When you stub your toe, express gratitude and get foot-loose and fancy-free

week 31

Gratitude reminds us that wealth comprises much more than riches and money

week 32

Be grateful and dance. Life is always better when you're dancing

week 33

Gratitude turns you into a shiny, happy person

week 34

Once you've been practising gratitude for a while, suddenly you see how much better it is to be grateful than to be angry

week 35

No matter what, always remember to keep smiling

week 36

How many people do you have in your life that you can count on? Let's give thanks for each and every one of them

week 37

This is just a little reminder to remind you that you're extraordinary

week 38

Because there's simply nothing sweeter than...

week 39

Always remember to be grateful for who you are today and where you are

week 40

This is your reminder that everyday should be the best day of your life

week 41

This week's tune reminds you to embrace life because you were born to be alive

week 42

Can you shine brighter than the sun when you enjoy one of the most powerful human emotions everyday?

week 43

Gratitude brings on the good times

week 44

When you light that spark, everything will be alright

week 45

Gratitude makes you feel so good you forget about any lack

week 46

Train yourself to always do your gratitude thing

week 47

Be brave and express gratitude every day

week 48

Express gratitude with every breath you take

week 49

A life filled with gratitude enables you to shine brightly

week 50

Gratitude’s in your eyes, opening them to the wonders of the universe

week 51

Gratitude is so transformative that you keep movin’ on up from lack to abundance

week 52

When gratitude shows you that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation, before you know it, you’ll be reaching for the stars

end celebration

Let's celebrate you and your new life filled with gratitude