start monday with gratitude
week 51
Welcome to Week 51, lovely soul.
Below you'll find the video and video transcript introducing you to this week's quote and musings.
Scroll further and you'll discover this week's daily exercises, high vibe tune, and downloadable wallpapers.
video transcript
Have you ever wakened up in an angry mood, or found yourself dwelling on something that makes you feel afraid? How difficult has it been to turn those emotions around?
It’s really difficult, right?
When you’re feeling angry, when you’re feeling afraid, when you’re feeling any type of low emotion, it’s far from easy to pick yourself up and turn your mindset around so you can move into a higher emotion, one of hope, love, joy.
The reason it’s so difficult is because the step up from the low vibrational emotion to the higher one is simply too much, the gap is too big. You don’t jump from the bottom of a ladder right to the top, you have to climb it rung by rung.
And so, when you find yourself in a funk, in a low vibrational state, in order to move yourself out of it, you have to move up the emotional ladder, rung by rung.
That can be difficult as it can be all too easy to slip off a rung and fall back down to where you were. And, it takes time and effort to climb through rising emotions as you have to spend time on each emotional rung to experience that emotion before climbing higher.
If, however, there was a magic platform that you could attach to the ladder of emotions, which you could step on and allow yourself to be swiftly and effortlessly lifted to the top of the ladder, would you step on it or would you rather climb slowly to the top?
You’d step on it, wouldn’t you? Because we all want life to be a smooth ride and with as little effort as possible.
What if I told you that magic platform was gratitude? What if I told you that by expressing gratitude you could smoothly, swiftly and easily rise through the various emotions until you reached the top of the ladder?
Gratitude is the one emotion that can transform a low emotion to a high emotion with minimal effort and in minimal time. Because gratitude gets you to change your focus in a practical way. It moves your attention from a low vibrational emotion and gets you to focus on a high vibrational emotion while, at the same time, getting you to bolster your change in focus with something practical – it gets you to both focus and express/practice the art of gratitude.
It’s this two-fold change of focus that ensures you can move through the various emotions to reach that of higher vibrational emotions, without slipping and sliding back down.
In so doing, gratitude is considered one of the strongest and most transformative states of being because through the two-fold process of focus and practice, it shifts your attention from the negative to the positive, from lack to abundance, from the challenges in your life to the blessings in your life.
daily gratitude practice
Focus on something that makes you feel afraid.
Spend some time feeling into the emotion of fear, how it feels in your body, and how your body responds to fear.
Do you feel your body constrict in any way? Does your energy feel heavy and dense? Notice exactly how you’re feeling when you’re fully tuned into the emotion of fear.
After you’ve spent some time experiencing fear, change your emotion to that of joy and elation.
Can you do that easily? Can you immediately swap to this new emotion and feeling? Or do you keep holding onto the old emotion, the emotion of fear, not being able to fully let go?
The jump from fear to joy and elation is simply too big a jump to make and hold onto for any length of time. The gap between the emotions is simply too wide to be able to traverse it easily, efficiently, and effectively.
Focus on something that makes you angry or something that has recently made you angry.
Similar to yesterday’s exercise, spend some time really getting into the emotion of anger, how it feels in your body and mind, how your body and mind react to the emotion of anger.
After you’ve spent some time experiencing anger, go about the rest of your day. Don’t try to change how you feel or the emotion you feel. Just go about your day.
However, every couple of hours (or so) check back in with how you feel. See what emotion you’re experiencing each time you check in with yourself.
Do you manage to raise your vibration to that of a higher emotion or do you stay in the emotion of anger throughout the day? Do you, perhaps, chop and change, go up and down the ladder of emotions, sometimes feeling a happy emotion and then falling back down to a low emotion? If you do, which type of emotions do you tend to stay in the most, lower negative ones or higher positive ones?
More likely than not, your energy and emotion will hang around anger, the emotion you started the day off because you’ve just gone about your day making no conscious attempt to change your emotion.
Repeat yesterday’s exercise, only this time, as you go about your day and check in with yourself every couple of hours, after you identify the emotion you’re experiencing at the time of your check-in, spend about 10 minutes consciously thinking about something that makes you really happy, something you love, something that makes you smile and laugh.
Does your emotion change and rise throughout the day as you check in on it? If it does, does it rise a lot or just gradually?
Because you’ve consciously focused on a high vibrational emotion, such as joy or happiness, when you do your check ins every couple of hours, you should notice that your overall mood gradually begins to increase and rise.
It won’t suddenly change because you’re only spend a few minutes every couple of hours, focused on changing your mood and emotion, but it should rise.
We’re going to repeat the same exercise you’ve been doing all week. Note: you’ll need a little more time for today’s exercise.
Focus on something that makes you angry or something that has recently made you angry. Spend some time really getting into the emotion of anger, how it feels in your body and mind, how your body and mind react to the emotion of anger.
After you’ve spent some time experiencing anger, spend a few minutes focusing on something you did that took courage and how that made you feel. Again, spend some time focusing on the emotion and feeling of courage until you can feel it in your body.
Next focus on something that you were invited to do that you wanted to do, something for which you experienced the feeling of willingness. Feel into that emotion and feeling and how it feels in your body, how your body reacts to it.
Is your body starting to feel a bit less constricted? Is the emotion starting to feel a little bit lighter and less dense?
After you’ve fully experienced the feeling of willingness, move to focusing on love. Think of someone you love so dearly, someone who makes you smile and laugh, someone you look forward to spending time with. Again, spend some time feeling into love and how it feels in your body and how your body reacts to the emotion of love.
Once you’ve fully experienced the feeling and emotion of love, go about your day.
Every couple of hours (or so) check back in with how you feel. See what emotion you’re experiencing each time you check in with yourself.
Do you manage to keep your vibration high, in an emotion emotion more closely linked to love than anger throughout the day? Do you, perhaps, go up and down the ladder of emotions, sometimes feeling a positive emotion and then falling back down to a low emotion? If you do, which type of emotions do you tend to stay in the most, lower negative ones or higher positive ones?
More likely than not, your energy and emotion will hang around that of love, not anger. Even though you started the day focused on anger, you took time to consciously work your way up the emotional ladder until you experienced love. And only when you were in an emotion of love did you formally start your day.
Because you consciously moved up to love, you’ll have found it easier to stay in the vibration. Even if someone annoyed you during the day, there’s a higher likelihood that you would have returned to a higher vibration after a little while.
Repeat what we’ve been doing the previous days and start your day by focusing on something that makes or made you angry.
Really feel into that emotion until you know that is the dominant emotion in your body. Spend some time getting reacquainted with the emotion of anger, how it feels in your body and how your body reacts to it.
Then go about your day. However, constantly throughout your day, I invite you to find things that you can express gratitude for.
When you find your first thing to be grateful for, you may struggle a little to express that gratitude because, after all, you’re in an angry mood. But take the time to express gratitude and notice what instantly happens your mood, your emotions, your body as a result. Not only do they rise and improve, but it happens quickly, right? Where before you had to slowly work your way up the scale of emotions, gratitude gives you a shortcut and jumpstart.
Now that you’ve expressed your first gratitude for the day, it should be easier to continue expressing gratitude for everything that happens to you throughout the day, both the positive and the not-so-positive.
Indeed, when something not-so-positive happens, and your emotion falls, how quickly can expressing gratitude raise that emotion and, also, does the emotion even get a chance to fall very far?
At the end the day check in with yourself and your dominant emotion. Is it one of anger or one of gratitude?
Because you’ve been expressing gratitude all day, throughout the day, it will have been impossible for you to return to the emotion of anger for any length of time. If you did, it would have been a very short and instant blip which you corrected by instantly expressing gratitude.
Let’s lean into some positive emotions today.
First, I invite you to lean into the emotion of happiness. Can you feel happiness in your body? Do you have to do anything to feel happy or can you just feel happy?
What about excitement. How does excitement feel in your body? Again, do you have to do anything to feel excitement, do you have to take any actions to strengthen the feeling of excitement, or can you just feel it?
And what about hope? Feel and experience hope in your body. Do you have to do anything, do you have to take any kind of action to experience hope, or can you simply experience it in your body by focusing on the emotion of hope? Is there anything you can do to make the feeling of hope stronger such as saying out loud “I am hopeful”?
Let’s now consider gratitude. Can you feel gratitude in your body? How does gratitude feel in your body? Is there anything you feel drawn to do when you feel gratitude? Is there any action you wish to take to bolster and strengthen that feeling of gratitude? Think of something or someone you feel gratitude towards and express the gratitude out loud or in your head. Does that increase your feeling of gratitude even further?
Whilst gratitude is a positive emotion and feeling like any other positive emotion or feeling, to take it to the next level, to really bolster and strengthen the impact of gratitude, it requires action too.
And the action associated with gratitude is expression, expressing your gratitude and creating a practice of gratitude so you can hone an attitude to gratitude.
When we experience the true power and strength of gratitude, it urges us to express it rather than simply keeping the feeling inside. Almost like holding our breath, at some stage we need to exhale and release.
By this stage, with so many weeks practising gratitude, you know what true gratitude feels like.
So today, I invite you to consciously witness what happens to you when you experience true gratitude.
Throughout the day find things to be grateful for; both small and large.
When you come across something you feel gratitude towards, try to slow everything down, try to watch, witness and experience every stage of gratitude.
Feel your vibration rise, feel your heart swell, feel warmth and happiness rise in your body.
And then pause.
How does that feel? It feels good right?
But after a while, when we truly experience gratitude, there’s a desire to take another, final step.
And that step is an action step, to express our gratitude, whether it is directly to a person, out loud about a thing, or quietly in our head.
That’s where gratitude stands apart from all other positive emotions. It creates the desire to take action. Otherwise, whilst you may feel good when you first experience gratitude, if you don’t take that final step, things can begin to feel a bit tight, like holding your breath.
and let's not forget...

This week's high vibe tune reminds us that gratitude is so transformative that you keep movin' on up from lack to abundance
have gratitude wherever you go...
... with this week's gratitude quote wallpaper.
Note: details of how to download this week's wallpaper is provided below.
“Gratitude is one of the strongest and most transformative states of being. It shifts your perspective from lack to abundance and allows you to focus on the good in your life, which in turn pulls more goodness into your reality” ~ Jen Sincero




how to download your wallpaper
Before copying one of the pictures below, you'll want to quickly check your screen settings because the worst thing you can do is use a wallpaper with an aspect ratio that differs from the aspect ratio of your screen.
The aspect ratio of a rectangle is simply the proportion between width and height. The most common are 16:9, 16:10 and 4:3. And it will be for these 3 sizes that I shall provide you with your free wallpaper.
To find your screen resolution follow this basic guide. Steps for your computer may vary slightly but I hope this will give you some guidance:
- Right-click the desktop and select Display settings.
- Scroll down until you see "Resolution" (you may have to choose an "Advanced" option)
- To find your aspect ratio, divide the width over the height. For example, if my resolution is 1920 x 1080 then I would divide 1920 over 1080 to get 1.778, which indicates a 16:9 resolution. Similarly, 1.6 indicated 16:10 and 1.333 indicates 4:3
- When you've calculated your screen's aspect ratio, go to the picture below that matches that size
- Right click on the picture and select "Set as Desktop Background"
- Choose whether to "Fill", "Fit", or "Stretch" your picture - if you've chosen the right size "Fit" will be your best option
- Select "Set Desktop Background" and you're done
android mobile
- First, save the wallpaper image to your phone by pressing your finger on the wallpaper image and hold down on it until you see a menu.
- From here, click the “Save image” tab, and it will begin downloading.
- The next step is to set this saved image as your wallpaper by pressing and holding a blank area on your screen (meaning where no apps are placed), and home screen options will appear.
- Select 'add wallpaper' and choose whether the wallpaper is intended for 'Home screen', 'Lock screen', or 'Home and lock screen'.
- Another set of options will appear where you can choose where the photo you would like to use will be coming from, namely the Gallery.
- If necessary, crop the image to a suitable size. Once satisfied, simply click 'Done'.
ios smartphone
- First, save the wallpaper image to your phone by pressing your finger on the wallpaper image and hold down for about 2 seconds until a menu appears.
- From here, click “Save Image“, and it will begin downloading.
- The next step is to set this saved image as your wallpaper by, first, going to the 'Photos' app and selecting the wallpaper photo you've saved there.
- Click on the share icon on the lower left corner of the screen, then select 'Use as Wallpaper'.
- Then choose to set the photo as either the lock screen, home screen or both.