personalised monthly themed card reading ~ june
Hello lovely soul!
And welcome to this very special page. Here you shall find a special angel card reading which is available for the current month only, meaning that once this month comes to an end the reading shall no longer be available and will be replaced by a new reading for the new month.
So if this month's reading appeals to you, if it touches an area in your life that you would benefit from guidance, if it is a topic that resonates with you, then click the button at the bottom of this page, today, and receive your recorded personalised reading in a matter of days.
throughout june we focus on mindfulness...
Mindfulness is the ability to be fully present in the current moment, to be aware of our thoughts, emotions, sensations, and surroundings through a gentle and nurturing view. It's a basic human ability, yet it is one that so many of us have lost touch with as a result of a much more demanding and stressful modern society filled with a plethora of distractions.
Whether we're glued to our mobiles, doing regular activities on auto-pilot, struggling to concentrate, or simply not listening when a loved one is talking, we've lost touch with our lives and the lives of those near and dear to us. It's as if we've moved from being conected to living in a bubble. And it's not a healthy way to be.
Modern society and its multitude of distractions has led to increased stress, anxiety and depression, poor sleep and sleep patterns, isolation and lack of healthy human interaction, relationship breakdowns, and an aimless drifting through life, all of which is detrimental to our physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual well-being.
This month, together, we shall focus on the change and benefits that better embracing mindfulness can bring to your life. We'll uncover what mindfulness means to you on a soul level, what steps you can take to be better in alignment with the meaning of mindfulness for you, guidance on how to practise being more present, the challenges you experience in relation to mindfulness, and what benefits greater mindfulness will bring into your life.
The support and guidance that you shall receive from the angels and your spirit team will highlight what may have been evading you in relation to mindfulness. Your oracle card reading shall help you begin to understand how to better approach mindfulness. And your spiritual team will support you as you embrace the concept of mindfulness.

This card reading is a 5-card spread, with each card focusing on different guidance, advice or area... all in relation to mindfulness and what mindfulness means to you.
The reading is a personalised remote reading, recorded just for you. Once you complete the energy exchange payment of £33.33 on the subsequent page, you shall receive your reading via the platform WeTransfer within 2 working days. As you'll receive an email notification from me when you recording is on its way to you so please ensure to whitemark emails from [email protected]

your information
To receive this personalised reading, please first enter your information in the form below so I know who I am reading for and where to send your reading.
Once you click the button "go to energy exchange" you'll be taken to the next page, the energy exchange payment page. Kindly note that this is not a free service. By entering your details below you are entering into a contract to immediately pay £33.33 for this service on the subsequent page.
Kindly note that this is not a free service. By entering your details below you are entering into a contract to immediately pay £33.33 for this service on the subsequent page.