top 6 beauty habits

Introducing basic beauty
habits into your daily routine doesn’t have to take a lot of time nor does it
have to involve a ton of products. Giving your skin daily care and attention
will keep it healthy and strong. Healthy skin isn’t just about beauty and
slowing down the signs of aging, it also ensures you create a strong and
healthy barrier between your body and environmental factors.
Incorporate these 6
beauty habits into your regime to keep your skin healthy and strong.

Habit 1: Use Gentle Cleansers
Some soap and
cleansers can strip your skin of natural oils and leave it feeling and looking
Avoid cleansers
which contain a foaming agent called Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) as this can be
quite irritating on the skin, especially sensitive skin, and can cause itchy
skin, dandruff and, sometimes, dermatitis.
Ideally choose a mild cleanser which contains some oils as these will help hydrate, nourish and
moisturise your skin after you have cleansed. To avoid rubbing these beautiful oils
off your skin after cleansing, gently pat your skin dry with a towel. Using
cleansers which contain moisturising ingredients such as oils should leave your
skin feeling much less taut and dry than other soaps and cleansers.

Habit 2: Keep Your Skin Moisturised
After cleansing,
apply a moisturiser to your skin to keep it hydrated. Not only will moisturised
skin feel soft and supple, it will also slow down the primary sign of aging –
wrinkles. Wrinkles are divots in your skin caused by dryness. A bit like
dried-out soil in summer that is full of cracks and divots. But unlike soil,
you can’t remove wrinkles by simply hydrating the skin so it’s best to keep
them away for as long as possible by daily moisturising your skin.
There are many moisturisers
to choose from, from light water-based lotions to oil-based lotions to creams
to serums and, finally, to the queen of moisturisers – body butters.
Lighter lotions
and creams are better in the warmer summer months but you need to turn to something
that bit heavier (oil-based products) in the colder drying months.
Serums are usually
designed specifically for the face (though body serums are a luxury you should definitely
treat yourself to if you have the chance). They are a combination of exotic oils,
essential oils and other moisturising ingredients which are designed to give
your skin a deeply hydrating and nourishing treatment. They can be used on
their own or under a lotion or cream.
Body Butters are
the queen of moisturisers when the one you buy is undiluted by water (‘aqua’
on the ingredients label). An undiluted Body Butter is a blend of butters and
oils which slowly absorb into your skin leaving it heavenly soft and smooth,
and moisturised. They are the heaviest moisturising product so perfect for keeping
your skin healthy during the cold Winter months. But they can also be used all
year round on troublesome dry areas such as knees and elbows.

Habit 3: Exfoliate Regularly
You should
exfoliate your skin on a weekly basis to slough off dead skin cells that cannot
fall off naturally. If too many dead skin cells get caught on your skin, your
skin will look dull and drab, the pores may become clogged and your moisturiser
may not be able to penetrate the skin and do its job.
When choosing exfoliating
products remember that one product won’t suit your whole body. For example the
skin on your face and lips is much more tender than that on your body.
For the body,
choose an exfoliating product that has a salt or sugar base and, ideally, one
which is made up from a blend of butters and oils. After exfoliating with this
product, gently at your skin dry with a towel (rather than rub it dry) so to
retain the hydrating and nourishing benefits of the butters and oils on your
For the face,
avoid an exfoliating product that feels scrubby as this will be too harsh for
your skin and could damage the capillaries. Rather choose a product that
contains soften exfoliating ingredients such as fruit seeds. A good exfoliating
product for your face won’t feel like it’s scrubbing or exfoliating your face
while you use it but after you’ve cleansed and touch your skin, it’ll feel soft
and smooth.
Lip Scrubs tend to
contain sugar (much more pleasant than salt if accidentally ingested) and, when
used once a week for a minute, leave the lips smooth and soft. Lip Scrubs, if
used regularly, can also help prevent sore, chapped lips.
When it comes to
exfoliating our body we often forget about our feet. And yet our feet do so
much for us everyday… they’re our unsung heroes. They need the same loving treatment
as the rest of our body so don’t forget to include them in your weekly exfoliating
routine. There’s nothing worse than forgetting about our feet and allowing them
to develop hard, painful skin.

Habit 4: Get Enough Beauty Sleep
Getting a good
night’s sleep is important for our overall health and well-being, and it also
has a big impact on our skin.
A good night’s
sleep can mean good skin health because the amount of cortisol (stress hormone)
released into your body is kept to a minimum. When you’re sleep-deprived, your
body creates more of this hormone, elevated levels of which can lead to increased
stress and inflammation in the body which negatively impact your skin.
After a good night’s
sleep you’ll have brighter, less puffy eyes with no dark circles under your
eyes, your skin will have had a chance to repair itself while you slept and you’ll
have fewer wrinkles, your complexion will be glowing and healthy, you’ll have a
lower tendency to have immune-related skin conditions (eg eczema) flare up,
your overall appearance (including your hair) will be healthier and happier, your
skincare products will work better, and you could avoid gaining weight.

Habit 5: Protect Your Skin from the Sun
It’s important to
protect your skin from the sun all year round, not just during the summer
months when the sun is highest and strongest. For example, the Winter sun in
combination with the glare and reflection from the snow can still damage your
The sun emits ultraviolet
rays (UVA & UVB) which can be harmful to our skin unless we apply
protective UVA/UVA sunscreen. The sun’s rays can not only cause wrinkles and
prematurely aging skin, but can contribute to skin cancer. More than 90% of
skin cancers occur on skin that has been constantly exposed to the sun,
Wearing sunscreen
all year round (SPF 15 or higher), seeking out more shaded areas in summer and avoiding
prolonged exposure to sunny snowspots in winter, wearing protective clothing
such as hats, and avoiding direct exposure when the sun is at its highest (and
strongest) during the day (late morning – early afternoon) will help protect
your skin from the sun’s rays.

Habit 6: Don’t Smoke
The detrimental
effects of smoking on our body are well publicised and scientific research over
the last few decades has proven that smoking is simply dangerous to our overall
health and well-being. We are all too well aware nowadays that smoking can
cause many internal cancers such as lung cancer.
It also has a
negative on our skin. Not only does it age our skin faster by creating
wrinkles, especially noticeable around the mouth, but scientific research has
also recently proved that it can cause skin cancer too.
A study showed
that smokers are three times more likely to develop skin cancer than
non-smokers, even if they only smoke a few cigarettes a day. It is suspected
that smokers’ increased risk to skin cancer is attributable to tobacco’s harmful
effect on the immune system. People with damaged or suppressed immune systems
are more likely to develop skin cancers than those with healthy immune systems.
Additionally, with
smoking being banned inside public areas within the EU, smokers now have to
resort to partaking of their favourite habit outside, often choosing the sunnier,
warmer side of the building and exposing themselves to the sun’s rays.