my struggle is with...
hello lovely soul
The guidance in the video you've just watched on my YouTube channel is very general, not to mention pretty darn short. So I'm not surprised you're taking me up on my invitation to dive deeper and receive some personalised guidance.
To receive your personalised, video-recorded 2-card angel reading, send me your question using the form below. After you have completed the energy exchange on the subsequent page, you shall receive your personalised angel message within 2 working days. Your video shall be sent to you via the platform WeTransfer.
Please note: Your video-recorded 2-card angel reading attracts an energy exchange of £11.11 (a 50% reduction on the regular price). Failure to complete the energy exchange, on the following page, will result in you not receiving your video guidance.
To help you with your open-ended question, here are some examples:
- What advice do my angel and spirit team have with regards my relationship/health/money/career?
- What should I focus on in my relationship/health/money/career?
- What should I be mindful of with regards my relationship/health/money/career?
- What am I missing or overlooking in my relationship/health/money/career?
- What should I focus on to attract more love/health/money/career opportunities into my life?
- What am I overlooking or missing when it comes to love/health/money/career?