are you open to guidance?

Hey lovely soul...
... before we talk about being open to guidance, I just wanted to invite you to a free remote 1-question angel card reading.
All my clients receive a free reading from me. It's the perfect way to experience your first angel card reading from me or, indeed, your first ever angel card reading. And it makes the ideal first step on your journey of angelic guidance, to a life that is more fulfilled.
If you're curious and haven't yet received an angel card reading from me... click here
How much do you try to control your life and how open are you to receive Divine guidance?
That's a question that popped into my head following an angel card reading I was giving a client.
Recently I've felt drawn to change the way I work with my clients, to upgrade their experience and give honour and respect to the intuitive and divinely connected gifts I have been blessed to share with those souls who cross my path.
To sit down and revamp how you work, even when you know it's not currently working to its full potential, is not an easy choice because it involves stepping out of your comfort zone and expanding yourself and what you have to offer. It involves trusting that what you feel you're being asked to do, how you're being asked to change, is the right next step in your journey of service to others. It involves trusting that the guidance you are receiving is not an ego-trip nor is it ideas coming from your head but, rather, gudiance coming from a higher knowledge and through your heart.
I have felt drawn, for some time, to create longer spiritual guidance sessions for my clients. However, it has really tested my courage and faith to do so, to hold space for my clients for longer periods of time, to hold space with the Divine and the energetic beings I connect with during my client sessions so that I may intuitively pass on the guidance and support they wish my clients to receive.
I followed the guidance I was receiving and began revamping the services I offer. However, deep within me all I felt was an all-consuming fear and doubt. Was I doing the right thing? Was I really being divinely guided to change my offerings? Would I have the skills to follow through with this new way of working?
So many doubts. So many fears. That it took me weeks before I could bring myself to actually sit down and create my new offerings and tell my clients.
And just before I made the announcement, followed by my plan to scurry away and hide for fear of rejection, I received a beautiful confirmation from the angels that they have everything in hand. I need only follow their guidance.
And that confirmation came during a recent angel card reading with a new client.
My original angel card readings were 30-minute sessions wherein the client would ask questions and we'd choose an angel card which I would then, with the guidance from the angels and our spirit teams, interpret. In the space of 30 minutes, my client could receive guidance in response to, up to, four questions. The guidance was based on single cards and was beneficial for my clients who left the session feeling uplifted and knowing which steps to take, going forward.
But now I was being encouraged by the angels to offer 90-minute spiritual guidance sessions. When I first knew this was what I was being guided to do, my mind went into melt-down: how on earth could my client come up with enough questions to keep us busy in the 90-minute sessions? It seemed overwhelming and impossible and, quite honestly, I couldn't see the benefit in lengthening the sessions.
But the angels had already formulated their plan. They had everything under control. And, as I wrote in the past, they were one step ahead. And they gave me a little insight into their plan during the recent angel card reading I gave to a new client.
In that angel card reading, the normal format I was so familiar with was blown out the window as the angels took over.
When I asked my client for her question and which area she wished to receive guidance, the angels stepped in and gave me a glimpse of what the future spiritual guidance sessions would look like.
Rather than asking me to interpret a single card, they asked me to interpret three cards.
As I shuffled the cards, two jumped out. So I checked to see which, if any, the angels wanted me to use in the reading and they directed me to one of them. I then asked if they wanted to consider a second card. In the past, the response to this has always been 'no' but this time, the response was 'yes'. So we pulled a second card. Expecting this to be the final card, I asked if this was the case and I got another 'no'. So we pulled a third card, which the angels told me was the final card to be interpreted.
I have recently been working a lot, though not with my clients, with a specific 3-card spread which I've felt drawn to. However, I had not expected it to be used in my normal 30-minute angel card readings. Nonetheless, I asked the angels if this was the spread they wished me to use for my client, and they confirmed that it was.
So I interpreted the 3-card spread for my client in relation to the area of her life she had asked for guidance. The guidance I received and passed on to my client filled our session together. It provided very clear support and guidance for her going forward in this area of her life, and left her feeling uplifted and with an action plan.
For me, it showed me how the angels were now inviting me to work and it gave me the comfort and reassurance I needed that the spiritual guidance sessions I would be offering were already structured and would bring even greater guidance and support to my clients, as well as help them create action steps to take after our session is over.
At the beginning of this blogpost I asked the question: How much do you try to control your life and how open are you to receive Divine guidance? From personal experience, I have found that I (still) tentatively accept Divine guidance when it comes to structuring my business but, at the same time, I know I am (still) trying to maintain some level of control by logically thinking through what I am being asked to do, how I am being asked to change. It's only when I fully open my heart during a client's angel card reading, when I'm in a place where I invite the angels to 'run the show' and my ego and logical mind step aside, that I am truly open to fully receive Divine guidance. And it is in this space of openness and trust that the angels can truly guide me and show me they've got my back, that they've already created the next step by giving me a sneak-peek at what they have already put in place.
Being truly open to receive Divine guidance is not easy. It is challenging to let go when all we've done all our life is actually trick ourselves into believing that we've been in control. It's frightening to let go of our perceived control and trust in the unseen. But it's only when we do open up, let go and fully trust, when we allow ourselves to sit easily in that situation, that we see that we are supported by the Universe and the Divine, and that the Universe truly has our back.
With love and angel sparkles, Viv xx