Special monthly angel card reading ~ june
Hello lovely soul!
And welcome to this very special page. Here you shall find a special angel card reading which is available for the current month only, meaning that once this month comes to an end the reading shall no longer be available and will be replaced by a new reading for the new month.
So if this month's reading appeals to you, if it touches an area in your life that you would benefit from guidance, if it is a topic that resonates with you, then click the button at the bottom of this page, today, and book yourself a slot directly in my calendar.
june is all about looking ahead...
The first half of this current year has been... interesting. Many would say "challenging". However, if you're open to it, it is paving the way for a very different and new tomorrow; a better world; a more positive world.
In this month's reading our attention turns to the second half of this year. If you want to make a difference in your life, in the world around you, in the world, in general, where should you focus your attention in the coming 6 months? Now's your opportunity to find out. Don't let time slip through your fingers.
Don't let time fly and leave you behind. Don't waste, embrace.
This month's 6-month-focus card reading is a 6-card spread, with each card connected to each of the remaining 6 months. The reading will focus on where your attention and energy should be in each of the coming months in order for you to bring about a better life for you and those around you. And a better energy into the world.
The reading is a live and interactive 1-1 reading, the date and time of which is chosen by you when you book directly through my calendar (kindly make yourself familiar with my cancellation policy, here). Please note that this reading shall only be available throughout the month of June.
Your 6-month-focused angel card reading shall last approximately 45 minutes and attracts an investment of £33.33. Please note: this price is discounted by 50% as I wish to encourage you to take that step forward towards creating a better tomorrow.
Don't let the sands of time run out on you.
Angel number 3333 indicates that the Angels and all positive energetic beings are with you at this time. They wish to support and assist you in your growth and endeavours. At this time, you should call upon them for guidance on how to step into tomorrow.
Angel number 3333 contains, and is created from, angel numbers 3, 33 and 333.
Angel number 3 is very powerful and has a strong impact on angel number 3333. Number 3 symbolises the Trinity, which refers to your body, soul and mind. It also resonates with prosperity and success, meaning you will have the opportunity to grow spiritually, emotionally and in all other senses. It resonates strongly with our focus of this month: placing our attention on the second half of this year and where our energy should go each month.
Angel number 33 is reminding you that you are connected with divine forces, so you should let your angels enter your life and make important changes in it. In numerology number 33 is perceived as the Master number, which means that it will help you connect with the spiritual realms. It is also a symbol of creative energy and spiritual awakening, everything that we are being invited to do this current year.
When it comes to angel number 333, this number reminds you of the truth that exists deep within yourself. It is telling you to search for the truth because it will help you get the answers to many important questions in your life. 2020 is the year of clarity ("2020 vision"). Never before have we had this opportunity to open our eyes and grow.
By focusing on the remaining months of this unique and special year of vast growth, opportunity and awakening, you can play your role in the changes that the spiritual realm is inviting the human race to partake in. It's not too late. However, if you stand by and watch time run away from you, you'll have wasted this unique and beautiful opporunity. If you let the sands of time run out before you've had a chance to create a positive impact in your life and in life, in general, then why are you here?
To book your reading, click one of the buttons below. I look forward to passing on angelic guidance which will help you focus your energy in the coming 6 months and create a better world for you, and in general.