welcome angel card reading confirmation
that's you booked
I'm so looking forward to your welcome angel card reading, lovely soul. I hope you are too.
You shall receive an appointment reminder by email 24 hours prior to your scheduled angel card reading. And a final reminder 15 minutes before your scheduled reading. The reminders shall be sent to the email address you provided in the booking and both reminders shall contain the link to our call. Simply copy and paste that link into your web browser to join. If you wish to use your phone, you may need to download the Zoom app (it's free!) prior to our call together. For more information, please check out the Zoom website here.
To make the most of your welcome angel card reading, please think about 1 (or 2) areas in your life on which you would like advice and guidance. These can by any area(s) of your choosing (eg health, relationships, career, new home...)
I would then invite you to think of up to 4 open-ended questions (in total) that cover the area(s) you've chosen. When I say 'open-ended' I mean questions that don't require a yes/no answer. "How" and "What" questions tend to work best. For example, you can ask questions like:
- "What advice do the angels have for me with regards...?"
- "What is important for me to know about...?"
- "How can I best prepare for...?"
If you're struggling to come up with some open-ended questions (they're not always easy), don't panic. We can work on them together during our call.
As your call is an allocated 15 minute timeslot and I want you to get the best possible experience, please ensure you show up on time. But please don't be too keen and show up too early as I may be on a call with another client (that would be awkward!)
I appreciate that life happens and sometimes calls need to be re-scheduled or cancelled. I would therefore invite you to read my Cancellation Policy so you are not met with any surprises.
While you're waiting for your appointment, why not check out your other free gifts below.
Viv xx
free library of angel messages
Every Monday, you'll receive my free group reading directly into your inbox. Although it's not as personal as the 1-1 welcome angel card reading you've just booked, it does give some beautiful general guidance and support.
But what happens on the days in between? What happens when you can't book a 1-1 reading with me when you need it? What happens when you can't wait 2 working days to receive a remote angel card reading? What happens when you need angel guidance right now?
I've got you covered, my lovely soul. Because I have created a page which is a collection of all the group angel reading interpretations I've given, to date. And you can use this page for guidance and adive on any area of your life, as and when you need it.
All you have to do is click the button below, bookmark that page for future reference, and then follow my instructions.
It's the best alternative to a 1-1 angel card reading when you simply can't show up live, and I'm offering your first one for free...
free 1-question remote card reading
Whilst still very personal, a remote card reading is perfect when you don't have time during the day for a live 1-1 angel card reading.
It's super simple and beautifully convenient. You send me the question you would like the angels to answer, then you wait a little, and shortly afterwards I'll send you your recorded answer.
It's just like a 1-1 angel card reading only you don't have to show up live. And that's why I want you to experience it one time also. Because I know how busy your schedule can be and I appreciate you can't always show up live.
All you need to do is click the button below, fill in the form on the next page with your 1 question (I provide examples and suggestions to make this easy for you), and within 2 working days (usually) I'll send you your recorded message of guidance from the angels.
It really couldn't be simpler.
Finally... just incase you're not yet overwhelmed by all the free gifts winging their way to you, I have one final gift...
3 simple steps to self-care
Love is everything: love of self (aka self-love), love of the angels, love of the animals (and planet we live on). But here's the thing... If you don't love yourself, first and foremost, you simply won't have the capacity to truly love those around you, be they angels, your spirit guides, animals or the planet. Because you need to fill your own cup up first. That's the key. That's the secret.
When it comes to the angels, once you fill up your own cup, then you'll be open to giving and receiving love from the angels, your heart will be open to the abundances they so want you to enjoy in life, your ears open to truly hear their messages, and your mind open to understand and interpret the guidance they are sending you.
One of the steps to self-love is self-care. Simply put, it's about looking after yourself first and foremost. Because if you don't look after yourself first you're running on empty and simply don't and won't have the capacity to look after anyone else's needs.
So to help you on your way, to encourage you to take the first step in self-care and self-love, I've created a free downloadable document "3 Simple Steps to Self-Care" which is all yours when you hit the button below.